Vintage McCLANE'S FISHING ENCYCLOPEDIA Angling Guide! - eBay (item 310017583851 end time Jan-31-08 20:01:55 PST)
This huge vintage hardcover book is McClane's New Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide Enlarged and Revised Edition edited by A.J. McClane. It was published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston and copyrighted by them in 1965, copyrighted by A.J. McClane in 1974. It's a first edition, 39th printing with 1,156 pages.
This book covers everything about fishing from A to Z.
First entry: AAWA The Hawaiian name for the black-spot wrasse Bodianus bilunulatus. This is a valuable food fish in the islands but of no angling importance. See also Hawaii.
Last entry: ZOOPLANKTON Protozoa and other animal micro-organisms living unattached in water. These include small crustacea such as daphnia and cyclops. See also Freshwater Ecology, Marine Ecology, Plankton.
There are photos, drawings, instructions and loads of information on anything related to fishing. I mean anything--it weighs 7 1/2 pounds. It's signed inside the front cover, "James C. White 1976."
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