GROUNDHOG FILES COMIC Joe Wehrle Detective Adventure! - eBay (item 310016671878 end time Jan-28-08 18:10:07 PST)
This Groundhog Files self-published black and white comic with a color cover is Joe Wehrle, Jr's charming, off-beat interpretation of the groundhog legend, complete with a groundhog detective on his first case. Actual Punxsutawney landmarks appear.
See Punxsutawney Phil as you've never seen him before. Follow the adventure of a young groundhog detective solving his first case--the kidnapping of the Seer of Seers! Who's got a serious grudge against the most famous groundhog in the world?
It's 5 1/2" by 8 1/2", black and white, 24 pages. All story, no ads! What a concept!
Wehrle is noted for work in Galaxy and IF digest science fiction magazines, covers and interior illustrations in Arkham House and other Mirage Press books, illustrations for Burroughs-oriented journals and on a lighter note, the story and drawings in the Big Little Book Cauliflower Catnip.
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