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Vintage Red Felt SHRINER FEZ Embroidered Syria, Tassel! - eBay (item 310056025519 end time Jun-07-08 18:43:15 PDT)This vintage Shriner fez is red felt with embroidered scimitar, crescent and star symbols and the word, "Syria." Inside the back it's stamped, "Made in Germany, 7 1/4." The fabric label inside the front says, "M. Hefter's Sons, 150-154 Lawrence St., Brooklyn, N.Y."
It has a black tassel and two jewels in the symbols. The original jewels were gone and we put these pale blue ones in, so they might not be the right color.

Vintage Cast Aluminum 16-In BLOCK ICE TONGS for Icebox! - eBay (item 310056022405 end time Jun-07-08 18:27:23 PDT)These vintage cast aluminum block ice tongs are marked on two legs, "542--16 1/2 IN". Another leg is marked, "Gifford Wood Co., Hudson, N.Y." They were used back in the days when the iceman brought you ice for your icebox.
Opened to the max, the gripper fingers are 17" apart. I can't imagine how heavy a block of ice that size might weigh. Oof.

Vintage BLACK BALL VOTE BOX, Marbles Club Voting System - eBay (item 310056018088 end time Jun-07-08 18:10:33 PDT)This vintage wood and fiber board box and black and white marbles were used for secret voting in men's clubs for accepting or rejecting new members. A blackball was a No vote. There's no maker's mark.
The bottom has a hole as if it was mounted on a post perhaps. The bottom front opens to reveal the vote tally. The ledge with the curved shield can come out when the bottom door is open. There are 26 marbles: 19 white, 9 black.

Vintage SHRINER VEST Heavy Silver Embroidery and Fringe - eBay (item 310055667053 end time Jun-06-08 18:05:00 PDT)This vintage Shriner vest is actually a half-vest with no back at all. It's red velvet with heavy silver braid, embroidery and fringe. The right side says, "Eclipse" and the left says, "892." The back neck has a label that says, "Uniforms, The Lilley Co., Columbus, Ohio."
The silver embroidery is so thick and heavy it stands a half inch above the fabric surface. The back is lined in red cotton/polyester fabric. The semi-vest has three chain links like a closure at the front. It doesn't open and close, but has a small hook on top. There's a red jewel in the center of each large embroidered star.