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Vintage SNUGGLE TEDDY BEAR 1986 Russ Plush Ad Character - eBay (item 310095937379 end time Nov-27-08 16:46:27 PST)This official Snuggle teddy bear is cute, soft and um, snuggly. The butt tag front says, "Snuggle™ ©1986 Lever Brothers Company, All Rights Reserved." The back says, "Russ Berrie & Co., Inc., Oakland, N.J. All New Material Synthetic Fibers. PA Reg. No. 259. X-32. Item No. 3146 Made in Korea 3701."
He's world famous for advertising Snuggle fabric softener. Made of cream colored plush, he's been around awhile but still looks good!

THE MOVIES Richard Griffith, Arthur Mayer Photo History - eBay (item 310095675794 end time Nov-01-08 20:18:57 PDT)This copy of The Movies by Richard Griffith and Arthur Mayer is a "Revised and updated edition of the classic history of American motion pictures." It's marked Copyright 1957, 1970 by Arthur Mayer and The Estate of Richard Griffith.
It's a big, fat soft cover book with so many wonderful photos it was hard to choose just a few samples to show you. This book was so popular, it's the fourth printing of the paperback version.
Contents:- The Birth of the Movies
- The Nickelodeon Age
- The Development of Narrative
- The Formative Years
- The Star System
- The Movie Family
- Comedy
- Serials
- Westerns
- Fights
- The World Before Your Eyes
- World War I
- The Golden Twenties
- The Greatest Showman on Earth
- Latin Lovers
- Ruritania
- Comedy in the Twenties
- Westerns
- War in Retrospect
- The Big Clean-up
- But Flaming Youth Flamed On
- Screen Art
- Stars of the Twenties
- "Hollywood Is a State of Mind"
- The Talkie Revolution
- The Grim Thirties
- The Gangster Film
- The Confession Film
- Topical Films
- Decency
- The New Deal
- Sweetness and Light
- Comedy and Comedians
- Return to Spectacle
- The Message Pictures
- Westerns of the Thirties
- Stars of the Thirties
- Hollywood in the Thirties
- Interlude
- World War II
- The Postwar Decade
- "Mature" Films
- Old Reliables
- Stars of the Forties and Fifties
- The Revolutionary Sixties
- Hollywood Today
- Independence
- A New Generation of American Directors
- International Film-Making
- Blockbusters
- New Styles
- Stars of the Sixties
- The Way We Live Now
- Epilogue
- Index
- Acknowledgements
Those are just the headings. Underneath them are lots of famous names of actors, actresses, directors and movie titles. Makes me want to plunk down in front of the TV and watch old movies for at least a week.

BARBICIDE Barber Shop Glass Jar, Chrome Lid, Drain Rack - eBay (item 310095625894 end time Nov-01-08 18:59:00 PDT)This vintage glass barber jar with chrome lid stands 11 1/4" high. It's printed in white, "Barbicide, Trade Mark Reg. The Approved Germicide & Disinfectant." The bottom of the jar is embossed, "King Research, Inc. 4764 Glass Made in Canada."
The lid has a black celluloid knob. Attached to the lid is a long pole and draining rack. The jar was used to sterilize barber instruments. There are no chips or cracks in the glass, no marks on the lid.