Old Still Tin Litho AMSCO SHU-SHINE BANK FOR KIDDIES! - eBay (item 310073654255 end time Aug-12-08 19:01:33 PDT)
This vintage bank is in the form of a shoe shine kit. It's made of tin, painted red and has great vintage decals. It says, "Amsco Shu-Shine Bank for Kiddies" and "Kidd-E Shu-Shine Bank by Amsco." The colorful graphics look like art from the late forties.
There's a coin slot on one end where the decal shows two kids' faces, a nickel, dime and penny. It seems to me a bank ought to have a lid or other closure, but I see no evidence of one on this or any other bank like this online. The metal loops on each end were for a red plastic shoulder strap that's now gone.
It's shaped like an old-fashioned shoe shine kit complete with the ridged step handle for resting a customer's foot while getting a shine. I don't know if it originally came with shoe shine gear or not.
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