1989 8-Pg KING FEATURES BROCHURE Comics, Personalities! - eBay (item 310023326245 end time Feb-20-08 20:07:46 PST)
This vintage brochure is eight pages advertising every TV personality, TV show, and comic King Features distributed in 1989. It came to us in the mail back then, but we don't remember how or why.
At that time Beetle Bailey was in 1800 papers, Blondie was in 2000, and the Wizard of Id celebrated 25 years and was in 1100 papers. Other pages list columns, puzzles, games and so on.
The stiff, glossy pages are about 8 by 11 inches, colorful and lively with comic characters cavorting everywhere and interacting with each other amid the lists. Fun to see.
It's only 18 years old, yet there have been so many changes in that time. Alex Kotzky and other have died, artists have changed, strips have ended.
Great vintage brochure and King Features memorabilia.
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