REPORTS OF GENERAL MacARTHUR Jap Ops SW Pacific, Vol 2! - eBay (item 310065926065 end time Jul-14-08 20:31:32 PDT)
This vintage hardcover copy of Reports of General MacArthur, Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area, Vol. II Part II was published in 1966, compiled from Japanese Demobilization Bureaux Records. It's a big heavy book with lots of maps, charts and photos along with the text coverage. The end papers show a map in both Japanese and English called Japanese Navy: Order of Battle and Losses.
The Preface by Douglas MacArthur says:
This volume parallels the record of Allied operations in the SWPA from the Defense of Luzon, 8 December 1941, to the Surrender Negotiations in Manila, 15 August 1945. It is the Japanese official record, contained in operational monographs furnished by the Japanese Demobilization Bureaux, the successors to the former War and Navy Ministries, developed by Officers of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters, Tokyo, and on the Staffs of major Japanese Commanders in the field. Like Volume I, the material is thus presented by eye witnesses to events, and is supported by official documentary evidence.Contents:
It is a record of bitter resistance and tenacious fighting by a first-class Army and Navy, led by Diplomats and Military Politicians through the holocaust of national destruction, an Army that was steeped in medieval cruelty, but fought with the most modern technical skill and savage valor, until superior skill and equal valor broke the spell of the Samurai and the legend of an invincible Empire.
- CHAPTER XIII: Struggle for Leyte
- Activation of Sho Operation No. I
- Defensive Dispositions
- Launching of the Invasion
- Action by Army Headquarters
- Preparations for Sea-Air Attack
- Leyte Sea Battle: First Phase
- Leyte Sea Battle: Finale
- Deterioration on Eastern Leyte
- Initial Reinforcement
- Limon Battle: Phase I
- Command Decisions
- Limon Battle: Phase II
- Battle of Burauen
- Ormoc--Final Collapse
- CHAPTER XIV: Prelude to the Defense of Luzon
- Estimates and Plans, November 1944
- Situation on 13 December
- Enemy Advance to Mindoro
- Final Luzon Defense Plans
- Battle Preparations
- Prelude to Invasion
- CHAPTER XV: Battle on Luzon
- Launching of the American Invasion
- Defense of San Jose
- Clark Field and Bataan
- Battle Dispositions in the Shimbu Sector
- Defense of Manila
- Fighting East of Manila, Phase I
- Defense of Baguio
- Battle for the Northern Passes
- Fighting East of Manila, Phase II
- End of the Luzon Campaign
- CHAPTER XVI: The Central and Southern Philippines
- Situation, 22-25 December
- Evacuation of Leyte
- Enemy Occupation of Palawan
- Zamboanga--Sulu Archipelago
- Panay and Western Negros
- Southern Visayas
- Defense Preparations on Mindanao
- Fighting in Central Mindanao
- Defense of the Davao Area
- Recapitulation
- CHAPTER XVII: Tokko--"Special-Attack"
- Evolution of Tokko
- Experimentation with Tokko Tactics
- Tokko Air Units
- Other Forms of Special-Attack
- CHAPTER XVIII: Homeland Defense: Basic Plans and Preliminary Operations
- Strategic Situation--January 1945
- New Plans for Homeland Defense
- Attacks on the Homeland Defense Perimeter
- General Plan of Operations
- Tactics and Techniques
- CHAPTER XIX: Homeland Defense: Strategic Setbacks and Final Preparations
- Air Raids and the Industrial Crisis
- Progress of Mobilization and Deployment
- A New Estimate of the Situation
- July Developments
- Preparations for the Defense of Kyushu
- Preparations for the Defense of Kanto
- Strategic Situation--1 August 1945
- CHAPTER XX: Decision to Surrender
- Background of the Peace Movement
- Formation of the Suzuki cabinet
- Initial Peace Discussions
- Basic Policy of 8 June
- Emperor's Initiative
- Negotiations with Russia
- The Potsdam Declaration
- The Atomic Bomb
- Soviet Entry Into War
- First Cabinet Deliberations on Peace
- Showdown on Surrender Issue
- Initial Reply to Potsdam
- Final Imperial Conference on Surrender
- Japan's Reply to Final Allied Offer
- CHAPTER XXI: The Return to Peace
- Imperial Announcement of Surrender
- Military Reaction
- Formation of New Cabinet
- Cessation of Hostilities
- Mission to Manila
- Preparation for Allied Occupation
- Disarmament and Demobilization
- Entry of Occupation Forces
- Signing of the Surrender
- APPENDIX: The Japanese Emperor and the War
- The Emperor's Role at the Time of Surrender
- Emperor's Efforts for Preservation of Peace
- The Government and the Military
- The Manchurian Incident and China Affair
- The Pacific War
- The Emperor's Legal Status
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