Vintage AGFA ANSCO BOX CAMERA Simple Basic Took B2 Film - eBay (item 310071517808 end time Aug-04-08 17:55:44 PDT)
This vintage box camera is very basic. No lens, no settings, just point and shoot. It's marked, "Agfa Ansco" on the front where there's just the camera opening. The right side has the shutter and the film advance which you pull out to get the film holder out of the camera.
There's just one viewer, on the top along with a leather carry strap. The back snaps on at top and back, easy to remove and replace. Inside the back it says, "Use B2 Agfa All-Weather Film." The film holder comes out for loading and unloading.
The shutter works quick as a wink and the camera is tight and clean inside but with a musty smell when you take the back off. You can sort of see through the tiny viewing window. I don't know if B2 Agfa film is still made.
This camera likely took little square pictures where the people are tiny. You've seen the photos I mean, where granddad or grandma lined relatives up outside squinting into the sun for a family shot in black and white. Classic.
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b2 is just 120 film i believe its 50 asa/iso you should not be able to see through the front with the back off unless the shutter is stuck open. it take 6cmX9cm photos as opposed to a lot of the 120 cameras that took 6cmX6cm square photos it does have a lens (or should)a single lens miniscus (sp) it is behind the sutter under the front panel.
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for the information!
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