1911 Book GREAT WAR ON WHITE SLAVERY Protect Our Girls! - eBay (item 310087612830 end time Oct-02-08 18:30:00 PDT)
This vintage hard cover copy of The Great War on White Slavery by Clifford G. Roe was published in 1911 by Clifford G. Roe and B. S. Steadwell, president of American Purity Federation--Editor of "The Light." It has photos and "Illustrated with Thirty-two Half Tone Engravings Portraying this Terrible Slavery" showing how women and girls are led astray, white slave hunters, white slavers, and a notorious street in Chicago.
The front end paper has handwriting that says, "Presented to John by Annie, Christmas 1911." The title page says, "This Book is the Official Weapon in this Great Crusade--B. S. Steadwell. Horrors of the White Slave Trade. The Mighty Crusade to Protect the Purity of our Homes. Truthful and chaste account of the hideous trade of buying and selling young girls for immoral purposes. Startling disclosures made by white slaves during the trials of many procurers and traders. The cruel and inhuman treatment of white slaves. The astounding confession of a pander. Graphic accounts of how white slaves are ensnared and a full exposition of the methods and schemes used to lure and trap the girls.
Containing a Full Account of the Great Fight for the Suppression of White Slavery and the Great Movement for Purity in Our Homes. By Hon. Clifford G. Roe, The Acknowledged Leader in the Fight Against White Slavery and Well-Known Author and Lecturer.
Contents:- Introduction by B. S. Steadwell
- Introduction by Rev. J. G. Shearer, Toronto, Canada
- Chapter I. Home Sweet Home. The heart-rending story of Mildred Clark--At the Mercy of a Brutal Fiend--The Chain that Binds them--"Onward Christian Soldiers"--"For God's Sake come and get me"--Mildred's Own Story--The Elopement--The Broken Marriage Promise--A Prisoner in a Vile Resort--In the Grip of the Law
- Chapter II. The Prodigal Daughter. The Lost is Found--Mildred returns from the house of bondage and joy and happiness reign in the Old Homestead--Gossiping Neighbors--The Scarlet Letter--Shunned by all--The "Christian" spirit in Church--The Sermon--The hypocrisy of the Social World
- Chapter III. Our Double Standard of Morals. The False Standard of Morals--One for the Prodigal Son--A vastly different one for the Prodigal Daughter--One received in Society--The other a social outcast--There should be one Standard for All
- Chapter IV. From a Pander to Protector of Girls. The Astounding Confession of Paul Sinclair--Twelve years devoted to procuring girls for houses of shame--His Redemption--Bearing his own Cross--Now one of the most ardent fighter against the White Slave Traffic--A Revolting Confession
- Chapter V. Conversion of Slave Traders. Paul Sinclair's work of Atonement--Details of the experience of William Simes--His adventures in Chicago--How his conversion was brought about
- Chapter V-A. The Part Women are Taking. False modesty overcome--Heroic work being done by noble women in all parts of the world--Inspiration in the message of Ellen M. Henrotin
- Chapter VI. Whose Daughter Art Thou? Piteous appeals from parents--"Will you please help me find my daughter?"--The Author's office besieged daily--"If any one ruined my sister I would take my own revenge"--Every girl is somebody's daughter--Someone loves her
- Chapter VII. How Panders Work Between Cities. How girls are lost--The pitiful Story of Anna C.--A trade in human flesh--Saved from a life of shame--Breaking up the traffic between Chicago and St. Louis--Nine of the brutes fined and imprisoned--How they work
- Chapter VIII. Arguments For and Against the Slave Traders. Address to the Jury by the Prosecuting Attorney and the great fight to free the defendant
- Chapter IX. How the Leader of the Gang was convicted. The impassioned argument of the Prosecuting Attorney that won the fight
- Chapter X. Producing Country Girls for City Resorts. Methods of procuring girls from the country--"The Drummer Way"--"Theatrical" scheme--"The Employment Plan" and "The Love Game"--How to avoid the snares--Forewarned is forearmed--The Parents' Duty
- Chapter XI. Large Cities are White Slave Markets. "The White Slave Market"--Girls for sale body and soul--The question of supply and demand--Many are slaved by conditions which surround them--The price--Facts about the White Slave Market
- Chapter XII. The White Slave Message from Chicago. The appalling exposition of vice, lust and shame--The human stockyards and the slaughter house for girls--The REign of Debauchery--A night of horror--Chicago the first city to clean up--The exposition of vice going and going forever
- Chapter XIII. Procuring and Prostitution in New York. By Hon. James Bronson Reynolds, Asst. Dist. Atty., New York City. White Slavery and Vice in America's Largest City on the Increase--Public Aroused--How it Must be Fought
- Chapter XIV. The Rockefeller Grand Jury Presentment. The Mistake of the Press--How the Newspapers throughout the country "Whitewashed" New York--Editorial efforts to rectify the error--The Presentment--White Slavery rampant in New York--Girls bought for $60 and $75--Recommendations to stamp out the evil
- Chapter XV. The New England States Awakened. "The Boston Hypocrisy"--How the Author Awakened the New Englanders--The White Slave Trade Flourishing--Pandering Around Plymouth Rock--Breaking up the Panama Gang--Heroic work against the Evil--Chained to a wall--The warp and woof of White Slavery--Let the good work go on
- Chapter XVI. Are There Procurers in San Francisco? By Rev. Jacob Nieto, Rabbi Congregation Sherith Israel, San Francisco, Cal. How this City is Used as a Port of Entry--Traders and Their "Wares"--Traveling with "Samples"--Stamping Out White Slavery
- Chapter XVII. From the Atlantic to the Pacific. The War AGainst White Slavery in Many STates--The Unrelenting Battle Now raging from Coast to Coast--Panders brought to Justice in Many Cities
- Chapter XVIII. Some Economic Causes for White Slavery. The Disreputable DAnce Hall--Some Unknown Statistics--A Great Evil--The Remedy--Other Causes--Prominent Women in the Fight
- Chapter XIX. Are Lost Girls Lost Altogether? By Rev. Ernest A. Bell, B. A. The Christian Spirit Toward the Erring Ones--Bishop Vincent's address--"For God's Sake Save Me"--The Prayer of a Fallen Woman
- Chapter XX. Segregation Versus Elimination. By Rev. Ernest A. Bell, B. A. The Theory of Segregation--Defended by People of High Character--What it Really is--A District Where White Slave Traders May Operate Their Immoral Houses Without Fear of the Law--The Red Mill and What it Grinds--Elimination of Vice the Only Remedy
- Chapter XXI. The Devil's Siamese Twins. By Rev. Ernest A. Bell, B. A. Liquor and Lust--The Inseparable Twins--The Saloon and the Brothel the Arch-Destroyer of Women--Vice Cannot Exist Without Drink--The Tragedy of Lotty--True Stories and Incidents Gathered in the Underworld of Vice and Shame
- Chapter XXII. Articles by Those Who Know. Short Articles on the White Slave Evil by Professor Jeremiah W. Jenks, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; G. Stanley Hall, President, Clark University, Worcester, Mass.; Rev. James M. Cleary, Pastor Church of the Incarnation, Minneapolis, Minn.; St. Clair Adams, District ATtorney, New Orleans, La.; Leonard A. Watson, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Chapter XXIII. Legislation Against Panders and Court Decisions. Ammunition for Those Fighting the White Slave Cases in Courts--Model Laws for Legislatures, etc.
- Chapter XXIV. The Iowa "Red Light" Injunction Law. How the Great Prairie State Cleaned Out the Vice Districts--Accomplished by Special Legislation--The Law that Made it Possible
- Chapter XXV. America's Awakening. Women in the Crusade to Protect the Home. The fairest heritage in life being undermined by a hideous monster known as White Slavery--The Greatest Fight the World has ever Known--Who are doing the fighting--Our weapons--Publicity, Education, Enlightenment--What America's Women are Doing in the Fight
- Chapter XXVI. The Chicago Vice Commission Report. Astounding Facts--Chicago Spends $15,000,000 Annually for Vice--5,000 Young Girls Destroyed Every Year in White Slavery--Bad Homes a Cause--Temptations of Young Girls--Changes recommended
- Chapter XXVII. The World's Congress. By Wm. Alexander Coote, Sec'y National Vigilance Association, London, England. The First International Congress for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic held in Madrid, Spain--Twenty-four Nations represented--Treaty Signed--All nations except Turkey, agree to co-operate to search for, find and return to their native land all victims of the traffic and to capture the heartless White Slave Traders
- Chapter XXVIII. What the Doctors are Doing. By B. S. Steadwell. The fallacy of the past--The splendid work of today--The fight on social diseases--The Brussels Conference--Educating the Public--"The Conspiracy of Silence"--The work of the State Boards of Health--Horrible facts that must be known and methods of prevention
- Chapter XXIX. Facts Every Boy and Girl Should Know. The Importance of Teaching Social Hygiene in Early Childhood--Necessary part of the Equipment of every young person--The duty of Parents and Teachers--The Child's Right to a Knowledge of Sex from the Standpoint of the Parent, the Educator, the Physician and Religion
- Chapter XXX. "An Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure." By B. S. Steadwell, Pres. American Purity Federation--Editor of "The Light." "Why didn't mother tell me," the pathetic tale of a young girl and the awful result of ignorance--"If Dad had only told me about these things"--How a young man's life was ruined--"Wild oats" and what they bring
- Chapter XXXI. The Great Purity Movement. By B. S. Steadwell, Pres. American Purity Federation--Editor of "The Light." The Social Evil the World's Greatest Sin--The Purity Movement--Origin and Growth--Organized to battle and set the White Slaves of vice free--International in Scope--The Pledge--Organizing branches in every church in the Country--The Purity Movement destined to be the greatest force for good in the World
Containing a Full Account of the Great Fight for the Suppression of White Slavery and the Great Movement for Purity in Our Homes. By Hon. Clifford G. Roe, The Acknowledged Leader in the Fight Against White Slavery and Well-Known Author and Lecturer.
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