Vintage DURHAM DUPLEX STRAIGHT RAZOR KIT, 4 Orig Blades - eBay (item 310106118079 end time Dec-08-08 20:09:46 PST)
This vintage straight razor kit is a Durham Duplex Razor in original case lined with satin and velvet. The double-sided razor folds into a hollow tortoiseshell-colored celluloid handle. This kit includes four original blades.
The razor and case are marked, "Durham Duplex." The razor handle says, "Pat. U.S.A. Nov. 7, 11, and Foreign Countries, Made in U.S.A." The blades are in a paper embossed, "Durham Duplex, Packed in Special Anti-Rust Neutralized Paper, Patented U.S.A. Dec. 20, 1910?" The year is almost obliterated. The blades are marked, "Durham Duplex Razor Co., New York, N.Y. Pat'd. U.S.A. Nov. 7, 1911." Another paper with accordion folds probably held blades at one time and is stamped in blue ink with "1816" for some reason.
The cloth-covered metal case is worn through on one end, soiled and stained, and the lid closes a little crookedly. The razor looks great, could be cleaned up better. The razor blades are used and look pretty good except for some marks and one edge with chips.
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