Original H.P. LOVECRAFT PENCIL PORTRAIT Joe Wehrle, Jr. - eBay (item 250405608028 end time Apr-12-09 18:29:06 PDT)
This Lovecraft portrait by Joe Wehrle, Jr., done in black Prismacolor pencil on coquille board, is a re-creation of the stipple ink portrait he did for Lava Mountain Records in 1976. It was published on the back cover of the LP "Adaptation of The Haunter of the Dark." He didn't get the original art back from Lava Mountain, so never had the opportunity to sell this portrait.
This is one of about six Lovecraftian drawings he did for the company, some of which never appeared because the records weren't produced. He also did a Lovecraft portrait for Mirage Press, which appeared on the Mark Owings Revised Lovecraft Bibliography in 1973.
Joe Wehrle, Jr. is noted for work in Galaxy and IF digest science fiction magazines, covers and interior illustrations in Arkham House and Mirage Press books, illustrations for Burroughs-oriented journals and on a lighter note, the story and drawings in the Big Little Book Cauliflower Catnip.
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