WISE CRACKER Wooden Twist Action Nut Cracker, Orig Box! - eBay (item 310024644921 end time Feb-25-08 18:29:02 PST)
This wooden nut cracker has a gold sticker label on the bottom that's marked, "Wise Cracker, Inc., P.O. Box 1142, Leonard, TX 75452-1142, (903) 0010, Patent #4,944,219." It comes in the original box that says it's "Handcrafted in the U.S.A. It's Simple! Safe! Easy to Use! Fun for Everyone! Makes a Great Gift!"
One side of the box shows the two-step process for cracking nuts.- Hold "Wise Cracker" with narrow end in the palm of your hand, drop nut down between rods.
- Twist opposite ends until rods contact nut. Then give a quick, sharp twist! Remove the cracked nut. The meat remains in one piece.
The box gives a recipe for Fresh Pecan Pie. The back says, "'Wise Cracker' requires less effort than conventional nutcrackers. It allows you to shell a large quantity of nuts quickly, safely, and with less fatigue!" Features:- Made of solid hardwood with urethane retainers
- Material and Workmanship are guaranteed for life
- Cracks Pecans exceptionally well
- Easy twist action cracks the nut, leaving the meat intact
- Handcrafted in the U.S.A.
- Fun to use. Everyone wants to try it!
- It is designed to crack Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Hazel Nuts and English Walnuts.
- (It is not designed to crack Hickory Nuts or Black Walnuts)
The nut cracker seems new. The box has slight dents, light soiling, and some fly speck stains.
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